Terminal Terrestre is the new album from artist and writer Deltoid. The project was released digitally on 17th January 2020 through Sounds et al.
Made almost entirely of field recordings, the album acts as a memory book for a recent 3-month stay in Ecuador. Some sounds have been presented unprocessed, others manipulated beyond any possible recognition of the original source. None sit still for long. The recordings were taken from many different sources, political rallies in the streets of Cuenca, cats fighting on the roofs of Montañita, church bells in Saraguro, and the nocturnal drone of organic industry in Yasuni National Park.
“Terminal Terrestre is intended to reflect the issues inherent in a linear perspective of time while simultaneously presenting my own understanding of the concept of cyclical time. As the piece transitions from section to section, the sense of what came before is lost. Patterns develop and disappear. Rhythms, melodies, and extra-musical sounds stretch beyond the confines of individual sections. This approach was heavily influenced by Andean philosophy (also called Cosmovisión) and the practice of oral history which I was fortunate enough to learn about during my time in Ecuador. Ultimately, this is an experiment in memory. Where pure mental recollection often falls short of an experience; the act of listening provides an opportunity to bind past and present into one.”
– Bryan Miller, Deltoid
“…turns field recordings into texture and percussion on Terminal Terrestre, which features an extraordinary wealth of sources, from fighting cats to political rallies (which some might argue are the same thing).”
– A Closer Listen
The album was recorded and mixed by Bryan Miller, mastered by Timothy Stollenwerk, and the album’s cover artwork is by Trevor Slavin.