Sounds et al hosts this monthly performance series at the Ace Hotel Portland.
This month we’ve got two Portland-based artists – Survival Skills and Million Mists.
The series showcases a wide variety of sound artists, mainly focusing on experimental and electronic performances – always worth hearing.
Free entry, all ages
First Thursdays every month
6-8pm in the hotel lobby
Million Mists is the sound and musical explorations of Portland resident Jamie Potter. From pastoral, body-resonating drones to foggy rhythms to crystalline outer space shimmer, Million Mists seeks to create immersive worlds that exist out of time. Influences include idling industrial machinery, babbling brooks, string theory, crickets, and bacteria.
Survival Skills is an electronic producer, live DJ, and radio host from Portland,Oregon. With two full length releases on Cavity Search Records. Suvival Skills continues to explore sounds inspired by brutalism, deep meditation, and late night city drives. Survival Skills is also the host of the popular KMHD jazz radio show ʻBeat Parlorʼ – a weekly showcase of creative instrumental, electronic, and off-jazz beats.
1022 SW Stark St
Portland, OR 97205