Sounds et al and Beacon Sound host this monthly performance series at the Ace Hotel Portland.
This month we’ve got three amazing artists — Heather Perkins, Reliqs and Wallfacer.
The series showcases a wide variety of sound artists, mainly focused on experimental, electronic, and electroacoustic performances — always worth hearing.
Free entry, all ages
First Thursdays every month
6-8pm in the hotel lobby
Heather Perkins is a chief mad scientist at Land-O-Newts, where she creates music and sound for dance, multimedia, animation, video, games, theater, and live performance.
Reliqs is the production and performance project of designer Reese Bowes. His most recent performance was at PICA, as part of the SUBHARMONIC Sonic Arts Symposium.
Wallfacer is the solo synth project of musician Jesse Kees. Alongside his other work as a sound designer, he also plays synth and bass in This Will Destroy You.
1022 SW Stark St
Portland, OR 97205