Sounds et al and Beacon Sound host this monthly performance series at the Ace Hotel, Portland.
This month, performances from Jamondria Harris and Jason Urick.
The series showcases a wide variety of sound artists, mainly focusing on experimental and electronic performances – always worth hearing.
Free entry, all ages
First Thursdays every month
6-8pm in the hotel lobby
Jamondria Harris is a poet & multimedia artist based in Portland. They use words, sounds, wires, instruments, textiles & what falls into their hands to engage with blackness, desire, decolonization, religion, spirituality, fairy tales, queerness, femme supremacy, & body horror. They are a VONA Workshop Fellow, and currently artist-in-residence at S1, among other things.
Jason Urick is Portland based and he has released his last 3 albums on Thrill Jockey, home of Tortoise, Trans Am, Wooden Shjips, Zomes and many others.
1022 SW Stark St
Portland, OR 97205