Chloe Alexandra Thompson and aesthetic.stalemate present new work for pink noise vi: fantasy embodiment.
Morié is an A/V work combining live processed field recordings, discrete audio frequencies, and distilled spatial design presenting moire patterns amidst a backdrop of transforming architecture.
Tickets: $5-1,000
Chloe Alexandra Thompson is a Cree, Canadian interdisciplinary artist and sound designer. Her work engages tactics of material minimalism to create site-specific installations that sculpt droning, maximalist experiences out of space and sound. Using audio programming software, acoustical and processed instruments, Thompson’s works lure audiences into a state of equilibrium, filling rooms with discrete frequencies that engage physical and auditory sensation.
Matt Henderson (he/him/they/them) is a multidisciplinary artist melding installation art, music production, film, performance art, and virtual reality. Since 2010, he has facilitated a DIY performance venue and artist living space in Portland, OR called Xhurch, which caters to the experimental artist community. After co-directing the M.A.S.S. music & performance series, he became enamored with virtual reality as a confluence of digital art and creation practices. He organized a group of new media artists and game creators under the banner of Portland Immersive Media Group, with help from Precipice Fund and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and the group explored leading-edge technologies and new potentials for experiential art in both real and virtual environments. This culminated in the group being nominated as Finalists at Indiecade in Los Angeles (2016), and subsequent activations in Seattle (Out Of Sight, 2016), Portland (Houseguest Residency, 2017), Los Angeles (Werkartz, 2017), and Austin (Museum of Human Achievement, 2018).
Pink Noise Founded in 2017, pink noise is a semi-annual art happening that brings together femme & femme identified experimental electronic musicians, video artists, witches, and art freaks to manifest the wildest performances Portland can imagine.