Sounds et al and Beacon Sound host this monthly performance series at the Ace Hotel Portland.
This month we’re excited to be hosting Szymon Kaliski and AMULETS.
The series showcases a wide variety of sound artists, mainly focused on experimental, electronic, and electroacoustic performances — always worth hearing.
Free entry, all ages
First Thursdays every month
6-8pm in the hotel lobby
Szymon Kaliski is an Polish multimedia artist combining lo-fi techniques with new digital technologies. Kaliski is constantly searching for individual methods of expression, using self-made software and unique hardware.
AMULETS is the solo project of Portland-based audio + visual artist Randall Taylor. Amulets employs handmade cassette tape loops and live processed guitar loops to create live, lush soundscapes and immersive drones. Through the recontextualisation of cassettes, sampling, field recording, and looping, these long-form compositions blur the genres of ambient, drone, noise, and electronic music.
Ace Hotel, Portland